Preview of the magazine. Still content to be added. Final launch in February.

SDGzine 05: Climate Action to Preview at Art Geneva
A Creative Collaboration Showcasing Global Innovations in Combating Climate Change
Geneva, Switzerland – January 29, 2025 – SDGzine 05: Climate Action, the latest edition of the innovative publication dedicated to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), will make its exclusive preview debut today at Art Geneva. The edition unites a diverse array of contributions from artists, researchers, innovators, and thought leaders working to inspire action on one of humanity’s most pressing challenges: climate change.
The preview of SDGzine 05 will take place in the Art & Science Co-Lab space, a unique collaborative initiative at Art Geneva with people from CERN , HUG (Geneva University Hospitals), the United Nations and more.
“We believe that creativity and collaboration across disciplines are critical to addressing global challenges like climate change,” said Jan Van Mol, publisher of SDGzine and founder of Addictlab. “This edition captures a rich tapestry of ideas and projects that highlight how art, science, and innovation can work together to inspire sustainable solutions.”
Focusing on SDG 13: Climate Action, SDGzine 05 serves as a platform to amplify creative responses to the climate crisis. From visual art and photography to scientific insights and design innovations, the magazine showcases the collective efforts of changemakers across the globe.
Highlights from SDGzine 05 include:
Creativity for the Planet: How Art Confronts the Plastic Crisis – Exploring how artists address plastic pollution through innovative artworks.
Greengeoearth: A German Startup That Can Change the World – Featuring groundbreaking innovations in sustainability.
The Geneva Pledge for Gender-Responsive Climate Action – Linking gender equality and climate action.
Floating Ecosystems: Floradeau – Highlighting floating ecosystems designed to support biodiversity and water purification.
Dr. Jane Goodall at The International School of Geneva – Recounting Dr. Goodall’s visit and her inspiring environmental message.
The magazine also features visual works that provoke thought and inspire action, including the cover artwork by Luis Marques, which powerfully represents the urgency of addressing climate change.
Work in progress: the magazine, as all SDGzines mostly online, is shown as a preview and will continue to be edited and receive content in February.
Climate Action
- Creativity for the Planet: How Art Confronts the Plastic Crisis – Dominika Sobolewska
- Greengeoearth, a German start up that can change the world -Eric Van den Bruel
- The Geneva Pledge for Gender-Responsive Climate Action- Elise Buckle
- Floating Ecosystems: Floradeau – Jules Hornung, Floradeau
- Working Actively Together for Our Blue Planet – Khulan Berger
- A Vision for a Sustainable Future: introducing Magictribe Media Ltd. – Erwin Vanmassenhove
- Dr. Jane Goodall at The International School of Geneva – Ella Lagacé Edwards
- Climate Change, Health and Heritage in Colombian Andes: integrating traditional knowledge with modern science – Natasha de Francisco, Andres de Francisco, Max Henriquez
- Your Excellencies President Petro and President Lula,
SDGs & art
- Luis Marques
- Christin Schäfer
- Peter Woodburn
- Jane Lim
SDGs & Education
- La Fête de la Science en Pays de Gex – Jane Lim
- New Special issue: SDG Olympiad – Ivonne Arica Ruiz
- Addictlab Academy Summer Project with ASK: where innovation meets inclusivity – Touba Esfahani
- Codez La Science at CERN – Brice Copy
- The Educators’ Lab – Michelle Blanchet
- The Mangrove Micro-bot – Elise Buckle
SDGs & International Geneva
- SDG Management School
- The Art of Equality: Imagining a Just World Through Art, Research and Virtual worlds – Karima Cherif
- Celebrating a decade of innovation connecting science and society: the journey of IdeaSquare at CERN – Mirabelle Breidvik, Jimmy Poulaillon,
- New Global Citizen Study Program in Geneva – Unique Summer & Winter Camps
SDGs & Fablabs
#398 Smart cigarette bin by FinalDrop / student project-Grace Annette Jimenez Lopez
Research Projects
- Where Quantum Innovation Meets Sustainable Development – Brice Copy
- #398 Breathing Games-Fabio Balli Talent Acceleration
- ManyProjects Studio
Editorial Team
- Jane Lim
- Brice Copy
- Cassie Heighton
- Jan Van Mol
Climate Action