Addictlab is proud to have entered into a collaboration with the University of Geneva and the new ‘Geneva SDG Solution Space’.

This new space at the Unige is dedicated to research, innovation, and finding solutions on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Located in the center of International Geneva, the Geneva SDG Solution Space is a WORKSHOP where students, researchers, UN experts and humanitarian workers from various NGOs can get together and collaborate to FACE the PLANETARY CHALLENGES of sustainable development, using interdisciplinary and advanced digital technologies.

Host of the ‘SDG Solution Space’ is the  Geneva Tsinghua Initiative:

This initiative provides INNOVATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMMES that address in a practical, hands-on way the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The different programmes last from two weeks to two years, during which the students spend part of their time in GENEVA, working directly with the International Organizations there, and part in BEIJING and SHENZHEN, in two of China’s most dynamic and entrepreneurial environments.

On the SDG Solution Space & the Addictlab collaboration:

Both organisations have a mission to push for creative thinking and innovation, and the Addictlab Academy will be offering some of their activities in the space. The Addictlab ‘Birthday labs’ are innovative ways for kids to get together, have fun, yet learn while playing. In two hours time, kids can go from learning to program a Sphero or Thymio robot, understand and implement photography skills from 1842, draw in Virtual Reality, print in 3D or create a scribbling robot using recycled plastics. Special machines are available, such as a Pancake printer and a 3D Chocolate Printer…

The Lab, pioneer in cross-disciplinary thinking since 20 years, gathers creative thinkers from all over the world and has performed creative research in dedicated labs (Urban Green, Touristlab, Gaming, Kidslab, etc)

Early 2017 the Addictlab Academy was added to its offerings, and this has been growing ever since, resulting in Birthday Labs, Lab Events (eg. Programming with kids and their parents), and School labs : visits to schools)


More useful information: A ‘fab lab’ concept

Fab labs provide widespread access to modern means for invention. They began as an outreach project from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA), and became into a collaborative and global network. (more on fablabs)