creation of 3D virtual reality experience for nutrition brand

Customised Virtual Reality Experience. YourOwnLab, Addictlab's consultancy unit helps companies to think out of the box, and gives access to creative thinking and innovative tools. For a Geneva based nutrition client, we produced a game using the existing Google TiltBrush app. Visitors of the booth could try to answer some questions related to human breast milk [...]

creation of 3D virtual reality experience for nutrition brand2018-07-23T22:01:21+00:00

Updated list of all machines

We get the question regularly : what tools and machines do you use for your educational activities at schools, or your innovation projects with companies and organisations? What's different from a Fablab? What own tools do you develop at Addictlab and what products to learn about the SDGS (sustainable development goals) can we have access [...]

Updated list of all machines2018-07-23T21:23:18+00:00