We get the question regularly : what tools and machines do you use for your educational activities at schools, or your innovation projects with companies and organisations? What’s different from a Fablab? What own tools do you develop at Addictlab and what products to learn about the SDGS (sustainable development goals) can we have access to? On this page you can find an updated list.

Addictlab, as a creative laboratory, attracts and tests activities, services and products that can be used for businesses and companies (yourownlab) or for kids and schools for our educational programs (addictlab.academy). The machines and tools are:

  • For rent : conditions apply  (not applicable to the third party machinery)
  • For trainings : would you like to be trained on some of our tools? As an Addictlab facilitator?Subscribe to the newsletter or get in contact.
  • For purchases: on some machines we have direct contacts with the producers and/or distributors and can act as reseller.