INVENTEZ UN MONDE MEILLEUR – Addictlab au Salon des Inventions

Rejoignez Addictlab pour une aventure interactive où petits et grands pourront explorer, créer et innover pour imaginer un futur meilleur. Nos ateliers ludiques et éducatifs permettent de relever des défis concrets grâce à la science et à la technologie !

  • Robotique & Environnement – Construisez et programmez un LEGO Spike pour nettoyer les océans.
  • Informatique Mécanique – Expérimentez avec Turing Tumble pour comprendre la logique et le calcul.
  • Héritage & Innovation – Découvrez les inventeurs de Versoix et leurs contributions à l’histoire scientifique.

Participez à un atelier de 45 minutes et gagnez votre badge Addictlab !
Venez Inventer un monde meilleur avec nous !

INVENT A BETTER WORLD – Addictlab at the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva
Join Addictlab for an exciting hands-on experience, where young minds can explore, create, and innovate to shape a better future.
Through interactive workshops, participants will tackle real-world challenges with science, robotics, and creative problem-solving!

• Robotics & Sustainability – Build and program a LEGO Spike robot to remove plastic from the ocean.
• Mechanical Computing – Experiment with a Turing Tumble to understand computing and mechanics.
• Heritage & Innovation – Discover the brilliant minds of Versoix’s inventors and their impact on the world.

Complete a 45-minute workshop and earn your exclusive Addictlab badge!
Come and Invent a better world with us!
Pour toute information:
Les activités sont gratuites mais sur inscription.

Atelier 1 : Robotique

The Plastic River Challenge.

Invent, build and code your robot that can take plastic out of the ocean. Or challenge 2: help a poor turtle with plastic stuck around its neck.

This workshop brings together different skills: collaboration , engineering, coding, empathy and Problem solving.

Register Here / inscription ici

Atelier 2 : Ideation

Build marble-powered computers

Turing Tumble is a revolutionary new game where players (ages 8 to adult) build mechanical computers powered by marbles to solve logic puzzles. It’s fun, addicting, and while you’re at it, you discover how computers work.

Discover how computers work

Computers are full of ingenious logic and astonishing creativity. They’re everywhere, but most of us don’t understand how they work. With Turing Tumble, you can see for yourself how computers work: The logic isn’t hidden inside a computer chip, it’s right there in front of you.

Hands on, screen off

Have a blast learning to code in a language without words. Turing Tumble blurs the line between coding and building machinery. There’s no syntax to learn, no abstraction, and no electronics at all.

Register Here / inscription ici

Atelier 3 : Héritage

Activity1 :  (inspired by Versoix inventor Julio Villars 1897 – 1991)

Build a car lift system to look under your car

Construisez un système de levage de voiture pour regarder sous votre 


Activity2 :  (inspired by Versoix inventor Jospeh Bianchetti 1872 – 1948)

Invent an Articulated Door

Inventez une porte articulée

Register Here / inscription ici

Atelier 4 : Sustainable Development Goals

The SDG* impact evaluation kit has been conceived and designed by for use by the Addictlab Academy to create awareness on the 17 SDGs for kids & schools, & help organisations and companies in their ideation processes for sustainable innovation projects.


17 panels recto verso English/Français
material : 2mm forex
size : 20*20cm
explanation sheet

Panels can be placed on table, or hang & combine them.

Register Here / inscription ici

About the Versoix Heritage Tech Lab


  • Versoix, a land of inventors, has shaped the world with groundbreaking ideas. The Heritage-Tech Lab, a collaborative effort between Æras Development Group, the Heritage Association of Versoix, and AddictLab, brings this rich legacy to life through hands-on learning that seamlessly integrates heritage, education, and health approaches.
    🔍 Discover captivating stories of local inventors and their impact.
    🛠️ Experiment with historical inventions in interactive workshops combining history, science, and creativity.
    🚀 Innovate by designing solutions for today’s challenges inspired by past ingenuity.
    💡 Thrive through hands-on learning that strengthens critical thinking, interdisciplinary connections, and emotional resilience.
    Daily Workshops: Step Into the Inventors’ Shoes! Try the ingenious creations of Julio Villars and Joseph Bianchetti—and uncover the stories of 15 other Versoix inventors!
    Bridging past and future, the Heritage-Tech Lab empowers minds of all ages—where history sparks innovation, creativity, problem-solving, and well-being!