Upcoming events/ Nos prochains événements

Voucher for 10 tickets – slots Gex

September 1 @ 8:00 am - December 27 @ 5:00 pm

Voltaire Lab

September 1 @ 8:00 am - December 27 @ 5:00 pm

Voucher for 10 tickets – slot Geneva

September 12 @ 8:00 am - December 30 @ 5:00 pm

Camp de Vacances/ Geneva

October 21 @ 8:00 am - October 25 @ 5:00 pm

Camp de Vacances Ferney-Voltaire / Après-midi

October 28 @ 8:00 am - November 1 @ 5:00 pm

Elargis tes Horizons

November 16 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

About Addictlab Academy

learning by labs / apprendre par laboratoires

Addictlab is an international creative think tank with a number of dedicated research labs such as the Chocolate Lab, Science Education Lab, Urban Green Lab, Design Lab … The Addictlab Academy selects activities from these labs for educational & corporate workshops for kids, adults and companies. We want participants to learn, experiment, improvise and collaborate. Addictlab supports the UN/ Sustainable Development Goals and develops own SDG impact kits.

The Addictlab Academy offers a unique educational experience that pushes cross-curricular learning. – Project based learning and cross disciplinary thinking.

Addictlab est un groupe de réflexion créatif international avec plusieurs laboratoires de recherche dédiés tels que le Chocolate Lab, le Science Education Lab, le Urban Green Lab, le Design Lab… L’Académie Addictlab sélectionne des activités pour des ateliers éducatifs et corporatifs destinés aux enfants, aux adultes et aux entreprises. Nous voulons que les participants apprennent, expérimentent, improvisent et collaborent.

Addictlab soutient les objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU (ODD) et développe ses propres kits d’impact SDG/ODD. L’académie Addictlab offre une expérience éducative unique qui favorise l’apprentissage transversal,  l’apprentissage par projet et la réflexion interdisciplinaire.

Past events & news

Eco-défis : Une manière simple, efficace et immédiate d'agir face à l'urgence climatique Evénement de clôture   De quoi s’agit-il ? Dans le cadre du Festival d'innovation ouverte, l’association Open Geneva en partenariat [...]

Voltaire Lab: unique collaboration in Pays de Gex

Addictlab has entered in a fruitful collaboration with the Château Voltaire in Ferney Voltaire in France: Voltaire Lab is born. Kids & parents have now the possibility to join the lab in the [...]

Addictlab manages the SDG Fab Lab at University of Geneva

The Geneva SDG Solution Space was created by the University of Geneva for the Geneva Tsinghua Initiative, a comprehensive, hands-on education programme for training young innovators to tackle the UN Sustainable Development Goals [...]

Innovative home activities : STEAM online courses

STEAM ONLINE : Our lab in your house! Addictlab organises STEAM camps and courses (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths). All activities are evaluated and linked to the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGS) of the [...]

Message for girls 11 to 14 years

Message for girls (11 - 14 year old, near Geneva) Become an SDG LABBIE   Are you into recycling? Are you against injustice and war? Do you simply want to change the planet?   [...]

New York Times Student Journeys

The School lab program is attracting a growing interest. Recently Addictlab hosted a week of  lab discovery activities, and this included students from Boston (New York Times Student Journeys) and from the British School of [...]

2018 – year in numbers

Un petit dessin vaut mieux qu'un long blogpost. Here are some numbers of the Addictlab Academy activities in 2018 on the Swiss-French border. - Total number of participating kids in birthday parties in Geneva at [...]

Addictlab and possible jobs of the future

Addictlab and the University of Geneva collaborated on an inspiring place at the Cité des Métiers in Geneva, from 20 - 25 November. 'Le Labo, a dedicated space in the 'Future des Métiers' section by [...]

Steam Classes now open

Our collaboration with the Espace Candide is extended till end of January 2019. This means we can now offer courses and workshops throughout the first semester in Ferney Voltaire next to Geneva. Our Steam Class [...]

creation of 3D virtual reality experience for nutrition brand

Customised Virtual Reality Experience. YourOwnLab, Addictlab's consultancy unit helps companies to think out of the box, and gives access to creative thinking and innovative tools. For a Geneva based nutrition client, we produced a game using [...]

Updated list of all machines

We get the question regularly : what tools and machines do you use for your educational activities at schools, or your innovation projects with companies and organisations? What's different from a Fablab? What own tools [...]

Addictlab Academy s’installe à l’Espace Candide

Cet été, Addictlab Academy est le bienvenu dans le nouveau centre Espace Candide à Ferney Voltaire.  Venez imprimer en 3D, dessiner en réalité virtuelle, programmer des robots, faire de la photographie comme on faisait en [...]

Join Addictlab @ExpoJuniors 2018: 500m2 of lab

Join Addictlab @ExpoJuniors: 500m2 of lab projects For the third year in a row you can find Addictlab at the ExpoJuniors in Geneva. The fair takes place end of April (20- 21-22) and [...]

Schoollab St Georges

Addictlab has set up a school lab this summer at the St Georges Summer Camp (Montreux, Switzerland). We took over the gym and installed several stations, going from Virtual Reality (Google Tilt Brush), Cyanotype (develop [...]

Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals

In today’s globalized world, business leaders are increasingly being held accountable for the impact of their business on their stakeholders and on society. In times of rapid and extreme changes, it is of utmost importance [...]

Brainstorm session for big corporate

Addictlab has hosted a two day brainstorm session for a pharmaceutical company in Switzerland. The Lab space was adapted restaurant (and catering supplied by restaurant Duchessa) coffee corner plenary meeting & projections break out rooms [...]

Schoollab Rolle

Addictlab has set up a day-lab at a renowned Swiss boarding school in Rolle. During the day, about 60 kids learned to station 1 : take pictures of flowers in the garden using the 1842 [...]

  • Addictlab Academy creative chemistry cards available in online store.

Opening the Addictlab Shop

At the Addictlab Academy we’re creating our own tools or reselling products that have proven their value in our workshops. The Addictlab Shop offers you products and tools to run your own creative brainstormings (for [...]

  • Panoramic picture of Addictlab Academy's booth at Expo Juniors 2017 in Palexpo, Geneva Switzerland.

Addictlab @ Expo Juniors, Geneva.

Over 12000 kids en their parents or teachers visited the Expo Juniors in Geneva last weekend. Addictlab has partnered up with Palexpo and created a booth of 500m2, offering qualitative workshops from the [...]

  • Thymio workshop with Thymio Epfl Lausanne Team at Addictlab Academy i.Life Etoy Switzerland

Thymio Workshop – 25 March 2017

Thank you all for your participation in Thymio's Workshop! We hope you all had a good time. Here's a video of the day made by Vincent from Thymio: [...]

Become a partner / Devenez partenaire

Addictlab Academy is always looking for new exciting collaborations.
Get in touch!