This list of activities is changing all the time and can even be adapted to what you are looking for. The idea of Addictlab is to mix creative disciplines. Workshops mentioned here are incorporated in the Wednesday Lab Day activities, but can also be booked per 10 session of 1 hour (10 Lab tickets). Special offers to schools and organisations.
SDG/ Change Makers
Part of our SDG Awareness and Education program. For older students and high school ados. A real challenge as given by our partners. Best ideas can be published in the SDGzine.
Atelier d’idéation pour ados sur des vrais problèmes

SDG: Recycling & Upcycling
Part of our SDG Awareness and Education program. Participants can recycle or upcycle plastic, fabric, cardboard, ..
Amon the possibilities: Turn a Tetrapak into a wallet. Change your orphan socks into a sponge (tawashi), create T shirt Yarn.
Atelier de récyclage, repair café, up cycling

Addictlab Outdoor (new)
Bringing the Lab outdoor.
As demand for lab activities increase, we are adding Outdoor activities to the list. More Covid friendly, and closer to nature.
List of activities include:
- Cyanotype (photography using the sun)
- Drawing (perspective + travel journal)
- Building a species counter and sketch
- Paper airplane Olympic
- Drone Building and flying lessons
- Create your Herbarium( collect and draw)
- Robot mini- golf
- Pantonize
- Build a Da Vinci bridge (real life size)
- Land Art
activités du laboratoire à l’extérieur

DIY / Bricolage / circuits électriques
Project based learning to build a device from scratch . This course introduces measuring, electric circuits, but also the safe use of tools such as drills, electric saw to very young kids. Participants leave with their DIY creation, such as solar panel powered recycled boats, a Steady Hands game, a Hologram and more.
introduction machine, scie, / Bricolage

Programming & coding
Different tools to program within SDG scenarios
Addictlab develops unique scenarios for kids and schools that combine programming skills and SDG related research. Even remote activities are possible, when kids take control over our screens from their home or school and program robots they see moving IRL.
Some of the available scenarios:
Plastic River Challenge : take plastic out of the river
Plastic sea challenge: take care of our turtle stuck with her head in a piece of plastic
Le kintsugi (金継ぎ ) (japonais : « jointure en or ») ou kintsukuroi (金繕い ) (japonais : « réparation en or ») est une méthode japonaise de réparation des porcelaines ou céramiques brisées au moyen de laque saupoudrée de poudre d’or1,2.

Introduction to AI
Understanding AI. Demo’s and hands-on workshop NEW
Introduction a l’ IA
Build, create program in Minecraft
Le kintsugi (金継ぎ ) (japonais : « jointure en or ») ou kintsukuroi (金繕い ) (japonais : « réparation en or ») est une méthode japonaise de réparation des porcelaines ou céramiques brisées au moyen de laque saupoudrée de poudre d’or1,2.

Book binding
Drawing in 21st century
Documentation is key. We want our labbies to draw and document a lot. So we teach them how to make their own notebooks

Drawing & sketching in 21st century
Drawing in 21st century
Learn about perspective, shadows, portraits, but also using the newest techniques, such as drawing with 3D compostable plastics and drawing in virtual reality.
Special attention to create a travel journal, animation, characters.

Animation & Game Design
Game Design
Learn to code your own game or animation using scratch or other tools. Addictlab develops unique scenarios for kids and schools that combine programming skills and SDG related research.
Conception, création et programmation d’animation et jeu video

Film making
Film Making
Make your own movie! Start with a stop motion movie, learn about storytelling, write a scenario, create your characters, design your decor, and …. action.
Conception, création de film (stop motion ou autre)

Food Printing
3D Print Your Food
While it still isn’t the magical replicators envisioned in the sci-fi series Star Trek, Dutch startup byFlow has found an alternative use for 3D printers: food. Going beyond printing plastic figurines, a canal house, or concrete bridges, byFlow’s printer can create ingredients for tasty dishes as well as complete meals. From chocolate to beef.
The company from the Netherlands is part of High Tech Campus Eindhoven. byFlow started in 2009 as a regular 3D printing company and later specialized in 3D printers for food. What makes their product unique is that their printer is compact, portable, easy to use and maintain – referring to themselves as the Apple of the 3D printing world.
Why 3D print your food? Why is Addictlab interested in this?
With a growing world population, there is an urgent need for sustainable, safe and healthy food. Moreover, consumers demand their food to be nutritious, personalized and traceable.
byFlow’s 3D Food Printer makes it possible to create premade food with recycled ingredients that are not good enough to be sold in supermarkets – and are normally thrown away – but are still usable as a food source, like damaged fruits and vegetables.
Print food for healthcare sector
Not many people realize that printing food can be an important part of the healthcare sector. Elderly people sometimes have problems swallowing their food. They are normally fed with nutrition shakes, and drinks that contain the necessary nutritional ingredients they need in liquid form. However, people tend to forget that the act of eating (chewing, digestion, etc.) is an important process for human health. byFlow’s 3D printers make it possible to create good looking and tasty dishes containing fresh nutritional ingredients ‘The ingredients have to be a paste-like material so it’s easy to swallow, but can be printed again in the shape of a tomato or a carrot. Even meat-printing is possible’, says byFlow’s Nina Hoff.
Create impossible shapes
Another interesting – and fun – feature of 3D printing is that it is possible to create shapes that would be normally impossible to make by hand, with materials that are normally tough to use in a 3D printing environment – like chocolate. Through social media customers share their dishes by making the designs available for others to download. From an educational point of view, we want to teach kids about science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics. And a food printer might just as well be the right tool for that.
(image: broccoli printed octopus)
Le kintsugi (金継ぎ ) (japonais : « jointure en or ») ou kintsukuroi (金繕い ) (japonais : « réparation en or ») est une méthode japonaise de réparation des porcelaines ou céramiques brisées au moyen de laque saupoudrée de poudre d’or1,2.

Drone Building & Flying
Drones: how do they work?
Addictlab has partnered up with Swiss innovative company Eye4i to bring drones to the educational field. How do they work? How do we build them? How do we fly them? Participants to these workshops might select the option to take the DIY drone home.
Le kintsugi (金継ぎ ) (japonais : « jointure en or ») ou kintsukuroi (金繕い ) (japonais : « réparation en or ») est une méthode japonaise de réparation des porcelaines ou céramiques brisées au moyen de laque saupoudrée de poudre d’or1,2.

Instructions and workshop on how to use our Creative Chemistry tools for your brainstorm sessions and innovation projects. Check for all more info.
Ateliers sur les cartes créatives de Addictlab. (pour entreprises, écoles, étudiants, individus)

Kintsugi discovery workshop
Kintsugi is an old Japanese art of fixing broken pottery with gold. The story goes that kintsugi may have originated when in the late 15th century the emperor sent his damaged pottery back to China for repairs. When it returned repaired with metal staples, he ordered his craftsmen to come up with something more aesthetic, kintsugi (gold repair). This art became such a hype that some collectors deliberately started smashing valuable pottery so it could be repaired with the gold seams of kintsugi.
Participants to Addictlab's Kintsugi discovery workshop can bring broken ceramic pieces to be repaired. Price includes workshop and a kintsugi kit for each participant used in the workshop. Recommended for : intergenerational activities (families) and for team building (companies).
Le kintsugi (金継ぎ ) (japonais : « jointure en or ») ou kintsukuroi (金繕い ) (japonais : « réparation en or ») est une méthode japonaise de réparation des porcelaines ou céramiques brisées au moyen de laque saupoudrée de poudre d'or1,2.

Learn to program and play with Lego Spike. Solve an SDG scenario challenge, build a robot and program it. Part of a comprehensive LEGO program
Thymio est un petit robot qui te permettra de découvrir l’univers de la robotique et d’apprendre le langage des robots. Tu pourras le programmer et réaliser de nombreuses expériences. Avec Thymio, la programmation et les bases de la robotique deviennent des notions abordables à tout âge.

Learn to program and play with Epfl's tiny robot, Thymio. Explore all the possibilities it offers – customize it with lego, draw using sand, paint or even its lights!
Thymio est un petit robot qui te permettra de découvrir l’univers de la robotique et d’apprendre le langage des robots. Tu pourras le programmer et réaliser de nombreuses expériences. Avec Thymio, la programmation et les bases de la robotique deviennent des notions abordables à tout âge.

Learn to program Sphero SPRK+, create your own track and start a race – You can even use it in water!
Cet objet connecté permet à la fois de s'amuser comme on le ferait avec une petite voiture pilotée par un téléphone et d'apprendre tout doucement les bases de la programmation façon "scratch" ainsi que quelques mots d'anglais nécessaires à comprendre certaines missions données par l'application.

Scribbling Machine
Build your own scribbling machine using recycled containers – experiment with their shape and sizes to get different results. Customize your scribbling machine with funny accessories to make it unique!
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Stamp Making
Create your own stamp. We use the laser cutter or the 3D printer for the stamp holder, and the laser cutter using rubber to create your own personal stamp. Order upfront for your inkpads.
La création de votre propre tampon!

Egg Bot
The Eggbot is a fun CNC discovery tool that allows you to have a design, drawing, be reproduced on.... an egg or other ball shaped object (golf ball, ..) Perfect for Easter activities.
About CNC: Computer Numerical Control. This means a computer converts the design produced by Computer Aided Design software (CAD), into numbers. The numbers can be considered to be the coordinates of a graph and they control the movement of the cutter, bot, etc.
Décorez des oeufs de Pâques avec une machine 'CNC'.

SDG: Solar & Led light workshops
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Use your 3Doodler to create 3 dimensional drawings using PLA filament – let your imagination run free or use the available templates.
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Discover the very beginning of video games and play the iconic Atari 2600 Woodburn edition with games such as Pac Man, Vanguard, Space Invaders and much more.
Découvrez les anciens jeux vidéo sur le Atari 2600. Pac Man, Space Invaders, et beaucoup plus.

Sand Art
These sticky pre-cut cards allow you to cover the artwork one area at the time using colored sand.
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Google Tilt Brush
Google Tilt Brush on HTC Vive allows you to paint in 3 dimensions in the room with a wide range of textures (light, fire, smoke...).
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Leap Motion
The Leap Motion allows you to control a wide array of interactive mini games just by moving your hands in the air.
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3D Printing Initiation
Learn how additive 3D printing works hands-on using the 3Doodler and by observing one or multiple 3D printer at work.
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Makey makey workshops
Makey Makey is an invention kit for the 21st century. Turn everyday objects into touchpads and combine them with the internet. It's a simple Invention Kit for Beginners and Experts doing art, engineering, and everything inbetween.
How does it work?
Alligator Clip two objects to the Makey Makey board. For example, you and a banana.
When you touch the banana, you make a connection, and Makey Makey sends the computer a keyboard message. The computer just thinks Makey Makey is a regular keyboard (or mouse). Therefore it works with all programs and webpages, because all programs and webpages take keyboard and mouse input.
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Laser Cutting Initiation
Learn how wood laser cutting functions by seeing a machine at work – get inspired with the multiples possibilities and what you can do.
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Wood Working
Hands on wood working workshops.
In the Finnish Woodworking activity participants will learn the basics of manual work, connect it back to nature as well as most academics they do at school. It allows them to look at things from a different perspective by putting design thinking and problem solving into practice. Via getting hands-on experience in woodworking they develop manual skills and gain confidence in handling tools. A truly grounding and satisfying experience imported from the world famous Finnish education system.

Chocolate 3D Printer
This 3D printer prints in chocolate! Learn the process from preparing the file to print to getting the chocolate ready.
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This PancakeBot is able to print your wildest dreams in crêpes that you can eat! You can even choose the color of certain lines based on how long it's being cooked.
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Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that allows you print whatever you want as long as you have sun.
Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print. Engineers used the process well into the 20th century as a simple and low-cost process to produce copies of drawings, referred to as blueprints. The process uses two chemicals: ammonium iron(III) citrate and potassium ferricyanide.
The English scientist and astronomer Sir John Herschel discovered the procedure in 1842.[1] Though the process was developed by Herschel, he considered it as mainly a means of reproducing notes and diagrams, as in blueprints.[2]
Anna Atkins created a series of cyanotype limited-edition books that documented ferns and other plant life from her extensive seaweed collection,[3] placing specimens directly onto coated paper and allowing the action of light to create a silhouette effect. By using this photogram process, Anna Atkins is sometimes considered the first female photographer.[4]
Your final version will be printed on a Open Box paper, turning your picture into an instant framed master piece.
Workshop from 7 years to 107 - weather permitting.

Tetrapack Cameras
In collaboration with CERN's film festival CineGlobe – create your own camera using Tetra Pack cartons.
The Tetra Pak Camera is an initiative of CineGlobe, the International Film Festival at CERN. This workshop teaches the fundamentals of photography through the conversion of an old Tetra Pak milk carton into a pin-hole camera. The photograph is then developed in situ with a non-toxic mix of coffee and vitamin C.
This eco-friendly project is fun for both adults and children, and requires no special tools or materials. Upload your photos online and join our Tetra Pak Camera community!

Sustainable Development Goals
Adapted programs for adults, kids, schools & companies to create awareness on the 17 SDGs. ((more: United Nations)
Companies can use our original Addictlab Academy Sustainable Development Goals kit to evaluate the impact of an idea and make it better.
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For this amazing team building exercise you'll have to pick colors from a Pantone palette and find objects that match in the wild.
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Creative Chemistry Cards
The Creative Chemistry table consists of 145 disciplines or human ‘capabilities’, and about 50 character cards. This card set is a concrete package from a proven methodology to allow groups of people and individuals to think out of the box. The aim : mixing creative disciplines, to get inspiration from other fields and cultures, and obtain more depth in the creation process.
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Compound 9
Compound 9 it the new and exciting way to build 3d elements using your hands. It consists of carbon that becomes hand formable when mixed with hot water.
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Silk screen / serigraphie
Silkscreen printing allows you to use an old printing technique for T shirts, post cards & more.
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