Birthday Labs, Team building events & School Labs Book your labs using the forms you find on this sitex

Birthday Labs, Team building events & School Labs Book your labs using the forms you find on this sitex

Une heure de robotique à Gexlabs

Session de une heure, Mardi 29 ou Jeudi 31 Octobre  - les matins

Birthday Labs, Team building events & School Labs Book your labs using the forms you find on this sitex

SantasLab Gex

Birthday Labs, Team building events & School Labs Book your labs using the forms you find on this sitex

One hour of coding / Geneva

create a scratch videogame

Birthday Labs, Team building events & School Labs Book your labs using the forms you find on this sitex

Voucher for 10 tickets – slot Geneva

10 tickets for one hour sessions in the lab in Geneva slot Sunday 10 or 11

Birthday Labs, Team building events & School Labs Book your labs using the forms you find on this sitex

after school at Voltaire Lab

Ateliers de 1,5h chaque Mercredi au Château de Voltaire

Birthday Labs, Team building events & School Labs Book your labs using the forms you find on this sitex

Camp de Vacances/ Geneva/ FEB

les matins 9-12

Birthday Labs, Team building events & School Labs Book your labs using the forms you find on this sitex

Addictlab à Versoix

Dimanche, 23 Mars  / 10h30 - 12h30 Où: RADO Versoix Chem. César-Courvoisier 1, 1290 Versoix Inscription avant le 17 mars  Organisateur: Association des Parents d'Elèves des écoles primaires de Versoix 

Birthday Labs, Team building events & School Labs Book your labs using the forms you find on this sitex

Salon des Inventions